Why Aren’t All Boxes Made from Recycled Materials?

June 27, 2013 by Sophie Hughes


People are increasingly talking about how the planet is in trouble, and changes need to be made to ensure the future generation has a suitable place to live. Despite this, change is slow, and many businesses are still polluting the environment and failing to change how they operate. On the surface, one simple change would be that all boxes are made from recycled materials rather than continuously cutting down trees for wood. However, this currently isn’t the case; this article explores the reason why all boxes aren’t made from recycled materials and steps that can be taken to change this.

Availability of recycled materials

In order for companies to use and produce recycled boxes for packaging, they need a constant supply of recycled materials. Often the supply of recycled materials isn’t consistent, which can cause them to have no choice other than to use non-recycled material to create new boxes that they need for their customers. Each box manufacturer will have different contracts with people that supply recycled materials; some will consistently be able to obtain recycled materials, while others might find their location, or the contract means they can only get recycled material some of the time. The key to solving this issue is to ensure that more people recycle consistently; this will increase the number of recycled materials available for box producers.

Strength and protection

In some instances, boxes need to be incredibly strong and durable to protect very heavy items. Recycled boxes may not provide the same level of strength that virgin boxes can provide. However, many advancements in the industry are making recycled boxes stronger and more durable. Some recycled boxes now live up to the strength and rigidity of boxes made from virgin materials. If you have a business that needs a particularly strong box, make sure you find a manufacturer that regularly tests their recycled boxes to make sure they’re strong and reliable.


Often recycling comes with additional steps that take time and money to complete. In some cases, the cost of buying recycled boxes can be more than buying virgin boxes. Some businesses might not see the benefits associated with paying more for boxes made from recycled materials, especially if they are making very small margins on their products. These companies must be educated on the benefits of using recycled boxes over boxes made from virgin materials. In addition, customers need to make their preferences heard; it can be challenging to find out what type of packaging companies offer, but where possible, always show your preference for recycled boxes. If a business is charging slightly more for an item but ensures that sustainability is an integral part of their business, choose to shop with them if you have the extra money. This will encourage other businesses to switch and use more recycled materials for their boxes and other sustainable principles as part of their business.

Manufacturing limitations

Some companies that make boxes don’t have the right manufacturing equipment to create boxes made from recycled materials. They may have been making boxes from virgin materials for a long time and are unwilling to change their process due to the cost of investing in additional manufacturing equipment and training to ensure the process is done correctly. Unfortunately, without being pushed, these companies may be unwilling to change; if businesses make their demands for recycled boxes known, it may force the company to make the change. In addition, governments can put in regulations to reward companies that prioritise sustainability or penalise those that don’t; this could also force them to change the way they operate.

The adoption of recycled boxes across all industries is a complex challenge; these are just some of the reasons why businesses can’t use recycled boxes all of the time. However, the positive is that many companies are changing their practices and moving towards using more recycled materials throughout their business. Customers have a role to play in this change; if we demand more sustainable products and packaging, the industry will adapt to meet these demands. Where possible, choose companies that are sustainable and avoid those that continue to pollute the environment and don’t make any effort to change their practices.